Friday, September 21, 2007

And started a friendship

I am an engineer. I had shown traces of this skill when i was a kid. i don't remember, but my grandpa used to say i had once pressed all the buttons of his tape recorder together. Well, no wonder my dad did not bought tape recorder till i was little older. The time was about to come.

My Grandpa hated TV. He used to scold us always we might damage our eyes watching TV continuously. He cared a lot for us. i remembered him once telling me to be careful of this new virus ( computer virus). He had heard from Radio that this virus is spreading fast across all the computers.

Well, back to our main story. I was waiting for the tape recorder to arrive. My grandpa had given me the good news. Dad and grandpa will get new tape recorder for our house. The night before i would have dreamt of switching on the tape and WOW so many buttons to play around with. Finally it came. I rushed towards that and searched everywhere. There are no buttons at all. What will i play with this boring thing. After some explanation from my dad i realised it was radio. I was not happy at all. Soon it was decided to return the radio and buy a tape recorder. Couple of days later, the tape recorder came. I thought this is what i call a real player. Yeah there are many buttons to play around with. Boy i loved the 'pause' button. So easy to press. I had been given freedom to play with that button. More over it listens to us. Press and let it be in that state as long as u want. Not like 'fwd' or 'rev' button which used to come back to it's original state with a huge thud when they get tired. For me pause button was never tiring warrior. There was one more interesting button called 'record'. Boy! it was so hard to press. I complained my dad that this machine is not good. i can not press record button at all. Even my dad tried to press that and failed. So far he had seen record button (usually) as part of play button (there used to be a small red button for record which used to be part of play button in some corner). dad applied little more pressure on the record button. Suddenly!. I never thought 'play' and 'record' used to hate each other. As soon my dad pressed 'record' with force, with a huge thud the play button jumped from it's place and fell on the ground. 'Record' kicked 'play' out of the tape recorder. Wow! i said 'record' will be my friend. Dad inserted the button back to it's place. I felt bad for 'play' also was angry with shop keeper who sold us defective tape recorder. Next day the shop keeper explained us that 'record' and 'play' are not enemies but are very close friends. We had to press them together.

The tape recorder was very strong. It dodged all my attacks successfully. Not even a single time it complained to my dad. it became my close friend. A friend who plays music and sings whenever i wanted. He was even a good mimic. sometimes he used to mimic the songs which i sang ( !!????!!**%). This is how a new friendship between me and my ex-tape recorder started.

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